The Environmental Defenders(ED) is an ecofeminist and collaborative environmental justice organization that works to conserve Biodiversity and defend Indigenous People’s rights in Africa. ED is dedicated to the protection of the natural environment and the people and wildlife that depend upon it, helping marginalized Indigenous Peoples and communities in Africa make a sustainable living and protect their water sources, land, and the local environment.
We are based in Uganda and are active in the Albertine Rift region and the Congo Basin.
We provide direct support to organizations and individuals conserving the environment, protecting land and advancing human rights (relocation, legal, and medical emergency grants), capacity building to improve Women Environmental Human Rights Defenders’ security (personal/organizational and digital security workshops), psychosocial support.
We maintain strong and long-time support to Indigenous women environmental defenders land rights activists and build gender-sensitive responses to address specific security threats and risks WEHRDs face.
We empower and educate Indigenous and traditional Peasant communities through radio talk shows and mobile films screenings on environmental and social justice issues, wildlife crimes, and climate change issues among others. Raising awareness on key legislations and norms for the protection of the environment and human rights of peasants and other people living in rural areas.
We empower Indigenous women and traditional Peasant communities and households through capacity building with the right knowledge and skills, technologies, and connections that boost labor productivity. Forming, registering, supporting, and equipping Indigenous Peasant women groups. Increasing agricultural productivity and market access, forming and strengthening producer groups and cooperatives through training, learning exchange, multi-stakeholder dialogue platforms, business mentoring, and coaching. Increase diversification into non-farm enterprises by offering training in gender, life skills, financial and basic literacy and numeracy skills, as well as linking group members and youth to markets (input-output markets).
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