2018- ongoing

Nwoya,pakwach and buliisa districts - Uganda

Protecting natural habitat for wildlife and plants conservation

Program(s): Defend the natural environment

ED is conserving and protecting over 450 acres of natural land for the conservation of threatened wildlife and plants. A key objective is to protect wildlife, plants as well as another biodiversity by promoting the local communities’ involvement in management, protection, and sustainability of the protected lands.

2019 - ongoing

pakwach,buliisa,nwoya,hoima and kikuube districts - Uganda

Environmental Defenders forest

Program(s): Defend the natural environment 

ED planted over  36000 native trees. A key objective is to protect the natural environment, protect water sources, mitigate climate change impacts by absorbing and storing the carbon dioxide emissions that are driving global heating.

2018 - ongoing

Pakwach, Nebbi, Hoima, Adjumani, Kikuube, Nwoya, Amuru, Lira, Gulu, Zombo and Apac district - Uganda

Emergency Support for women organizations and Individual Women activists

Program(s): Defend women, girls and Indigenous women leadership, Defend defenders

ED provides digital security equipment to WEHRD’s at risk, legal support, and advice, physical security tools, medical emergency grants, temporary relocations grant to WEHRD’s facing security threats, Food relief to the family of sick WEHRD’S among others.

2018 - 2019

Buliisa,pakwach,hoima,masindi and kikuube districts - Uganda

Public cinema - defend and protect land in indigenous communities

Program(s): Defend communities and land rights, Defend women, girls, and Indigenous women leadership

ED together with Ngetha Media Association for Peace has screened films and documentaries about environmental issues in indigenous communities, with the aim of empowering people about the importance of preserving the environment and protecting their territories. We reached about 3000 people living in key conservation areas of Budongo Forest, Bugoma Forest, Luli Kayonga Central Forest Reserve, Lake Albert, and those near Oil refinery site, Central Processing Facilities among others raising awareness of their role in sustainable development, land rights among others. 


buliisa,hoima, adjumani, NEBBI,LIRA,GULU, apac, pakwach,nwoya,kikuube and masindi districts - Uganda

Capacity building for women environmental activist and human rights defenders

Program(s): Defend women, girls, and Indigenous women leadership, Defend defenders

ED provided digital security and physical safety support to over 30 women environmental activists and other human rights defenders working on the issues of land protection, environmental conservation, and human rights among others.

2019 - ongoing

Buliisa, Pakwach, Nwoya and Hoima districts - Uganda

Training Environmental and Land Rights activists

Program(s): Defend defenders

ED provides training and capacity building workshops to Women Environmental Defenders and other activists on Land and environment Monitoring, Direct Legal actions, Digital Security, Public Demonstration and Security Training, Network Building and emergency Communications, human rights and environmental crimes documentation, etc

2019 - ongoing

pakwach,buliisa,kikuube,hoima,nwoya,nebbi,masindi,zombo,lira,amuru,gulu,arua,adjumani and apac district - Uganda

Radio Talk shows to empower indigenous rural communities fighting harms to their environments

Program(s): Defend the natural environment, Defend communities and land rights

ED organizes and participates in radio talk shows and interviews to raise awareness on environmental protection and human rights of the community affected by the oil and gas project. These activities have been jointly conducted in collaboration with Ngetha Media Association for Peace and Vijana Corps 

2019 - ongoing

Pakwach, Hoima, Nwooya, Kikuube and Buliisa districts - Uganda


Program(s): Defend the natural environment 

ED store seedlings and supply to local farmers, schools, community associations, health centers and religious organizations to plant. Through this approach, over 3800 trees have been planted by several communities in their own land. A key objective is to engage communities in sustainable natural resource management, protect communities’ land, and to mitigate the impacts of oil and gas exploration in local communities.