Status of biodiversity and habitat suitability mapping: potential corridor between Murchison Falls National Park and East- Madi Wildlife Reserve

Environmental Defenders is interested in identifying land suitable for the creation of a wildlife migration corridor within the former controlled hunting area (Aswa-Lolim/ Kilak) located between Murchison Falls National Park and East Madi Wildlife Reserve. As such, we used habitat suitability mapping, ground truthing and literature review to assess the current potential of the former Aswa-Lolim controlled hunting area as a migration corridor for large mammals, birds and amphibians.


The study recommends that:

  • Area of interest one (near Pakwach) is more feasible for the establishment of a corridor given there still has existing natural habitat suitable for wildlife.
  • Immediate actions to be taken to secure the available lands identified such as fundraising for land purchase beyond the current target areas of interest.
  • Steps be taken to engage with the relevant stakeholders (communities, Uganda Wildlife Authority) to enable the creation of a private nature reserve in order to maintain a functional corridor.
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