The research was carried out in the framework of a project aimed at improving access to justice for communities affected by extractive industries, implemented by Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) and its partner organisation in Uganda Advocate for Natural Resources and Development (ANARDE). The research covers two of our implementation areas: the Karamoja sub-region in the Eastern Region and the Bunyoro Kingdom in the Western Region – parts of which are also geographically referred to as the Albertine Graben. While culturally distinct, both regions show similarities in the patriarchal norms that their societies hinge on, an element which was relevant to our study. Extractive industries have been expanding in both regions in the past decades, albeit exploiting different resources. The sites were selected for they offer to observe EI-related change in several declinations – oil exploitation, Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) and semi-industrial mining – and at different stages of development – exploration and infrastructure-building on the one hand, advanced exploitation on the other.