BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Community Conservation Highlight post Human rights Partnerships Restoration Women empowerment

The Environmental Defenders delivered the inaugural “Kilimo Prize Award” during a public event at Mahagi Port, Wagungu territory, DR Congo

On August 23, 2023, the Environmental Defenders awarded the first “Kilimo Prize Award” to 18 individuals and organizations in the Albertine region of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The recipients were carefully selected and honored at the 2023 Kilimo Award ceremony held in Wagungu Chiefdom, Mahagi Port in the Mahagi territory of the […]

BLOG Defend Defenders Environmental Human Right Defenders Human rights Restoration Women empowerment

Among pandemics, elections and human rights abuses. Testimonies and feedback from Women defenders

The overall goal of Environmental Defenders’ program Defend Defenders is to contribute to the enhancement of the respect of human rights in Uganda by strengthening the physical and digital security of Women Environmental and Human Rights Defenders (W-EHRDs). The 2020 is a challenging year; W-EHRDs working in the Albertine Region agree: “Human rights activism amidst […]

BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Conservation Defend Defenders Human rights Report

Appeal to Ugandan Government and Oil companies operating in the Albertine Region

Women Environmental Human Rights Defenders – WEHRDs are any individual or group working to protect or promote human rights in the context of the environment, such as the defense of land rights, access to natural resources and the right to a healthy environment, and that they are often members of indigenous and traditional communities who […]

BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Conservation Defend Defenders Environmental Human Right Defenders Human rights Restoration

Security concerns in land tenure data collection, monitoring and reporting environmental crimes and human rights abuses in land disputes

The porous borders between South Sudan, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo pass through the northern section of the Albertine Graben. It is a rural area enclosed between the DR Congo’ tropical rainforests and the South Sudanese grasslands, crossed by the White Nile flowing out from Lake Albert. Located far away from the edge […]