BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Conservation Defend Defenders Restoration

Using Land Degradation Neutrality as a pathway to climate security and protect indigenous women’s rights

By 2050, the global population is expected to be 9.7 billion, increasing the demand for agricultural products including food, feed, fibre, and fuel. About 25% of the total global land area has been affected by land degradation. It is estimated that in the drylands, 12 million hectares of land are becoming degraded by desertification processes […]

Defend Defenders Environmental Human Right Defenders Podcast

Voices of defenders – Beatrice Rukanyanga

Beatrice has in-depth knowledge of the ecological system of the land in which she lives, understanding its most recent threats and sharing her indigenous knowledge. Through her voice we will discover her actions for climate justice, from campaigning in defense of the Bugoma forest to the use of traditional and indigenous techniques of conservation agriculture.

BLOG Defend Defenders Environmental Human Right Defenders Human rights Restoration Women empowerment

Among pandemics, elections and human rights abuses. Testimonies and feedback from Women defenders

The overall goal of Environmental Defenders’ program Defend Defenders is to contribute to the enhancement of the respect of human rights in Uganda by strengthening the physical and digital security of Women Environmental and Human Rights Defenders (W-EHRDs). The 2020 is a challenging year; W-EHRDs working in the Albertine Region agree: “Human rights activism amidst […]

BLOG Defend Defenders Podcast

“Voices of defenders”. The serial launching the “Ikolojia” podcast

To celebrate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, we at Environmental Defenders share with you the experiences of the long round of Women Environmental and Human Rights defenders (WEHRDs) in the Albertine region. To do so, we published their stories within our new podcast, Ikolojia, in a series entitled Voices of Defenders. Voices of Defenders […]

BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Conservation Defend Defenders Human rights Report

Appeal to Ugandan Government and Oil companies operating in the Albertine Region

Women Environmental Human Rights Defenders – WEHRDs are any individual or group working to protect or promote human rights in the context of the environment, such as the defense of land rights, access to natural resources and the right to a healthy environment, and that they are often members of indigenous and traditional communities who […]