BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Community Conservation Highlight post Human rights Partnerships

Status of biodiversity and habitat suitability mapping: potential corridor between Murchison Falls National Park and East- Madi Wildlife Reserve

Environmental Defenders is interested in identifying land suitable for the creation of a wildlife migration corridor within the former controlled hunting area (Aswa-Lolim/ Kilak) located between Murchison Falls National Park and East Madi Wildlife Reserve. As such, we used habitat suitability mapping, ground truthing and literature review to assess the current potential of the former […]

BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Conservation Highlight post Women empowerment

Radio Terra promote climate smart agriculture and rural development in the Albertine Rift region

Radio Terra is providing assistance to aid Climate Smart Agriculture activities and rural development via its radio broadcasts. Efforts to help agriculture primarily aim to enhance farmers’ awareness and implementation of climate-smart agricultural techniques, while also bolstering their comprehension of and capacity to participate in markets and access services. Radio Terra not only emphasizes Climate […]

BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Conservation Highlight post Women empowerment

Environmental Defenders restore tropical forests and damaged landscapes to avoid extinctions and combat climate change

Tropical forests are the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet, with more than two-thirds of all documented species. Given the present pace of deforestation, the majority of tropical forests will be completely depleted over a span of one hundred years. Such an action would significantly undermine biodiversity on a worldwide level and pose a threat […]

BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Conservation Defend Defenders Report Restoration

The last line of defence. Halting the Ecological Crisis and Ecosystem Collapse of the Congo Basin Edge

Congo Basin rainforests are ignored or downplayed. Between 2008 and 2017, the Congo Basin received just 11.5% of international financial flows for forest protection and sustainable management in tropical areas, compared with 55% for southeast Asia and 34% for the Amazon. This despite the fact that soaking up some 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide […]

BLOG Climate resilience & biodiversity Conservation Defend Defenders Report resources Restoration

Challenges faced by small holder farmers in Uganda and how they can be addressed

The view on productive agriculture as critical for employment creation and poverty reduction is now widely shared within the development regions in Uganda especially among the smallholder farmers. Being a smallholder farmer undoubtedly means to be part of the driving force that provides the basis for economies in developing communities such as Uganda in the east African community.